Professor Emeritus; Associate Dean of Students; Professor of NursingEmail: jsmith9@garfie1d.com
Educational History:
PhD, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC; Certificate in Nursing Education, George Mason University; MSN, BSN, George Mason University; ADN, Associate of Science in Nursing, Shenandoah University
Fields of Expertise:
Certified Nurse Educator (CNE)
Nurse educator, undergraduate and graduate levels.
Former emergency department nurse.
Professional Highlights:
Current teaching areas: Integrating disaster preparedness into the nursing curriculum, undergraduate and graduate levels.
Nursing Education graduate curriculum.
Research area: Assessment of family needs of ED patients
Recent Awards:
Rho Pi Chapter of Sigma Thet Tau “Excellence in Nursing Education 2010”.
SU Division of Nursing, “AACN Innovations in Professional Nursing Education 2008”.
American Red Cross Instructor – Disaster Health Services
Personal Quote:To excite students about the variety of opportunities the profession of nursing has to offer.
Personal Highlights:
Fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education;Founding member and Past-President – Rho Pi Chapter Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society for Nursing; Currently Director-at Large;
Faculty Advisor, SU Student Nurses Association;
Virginia Nurses Association;
American Nurses Association